Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Field Day 5

We all have positive values, and Day 5 helped us discover the wonderful values we have in us. Helping out was trainer and facilitator, Eric Bryan.

Starting off the day with an exciting ice-breaker, the mentees had a great time tyring to help the 'Police' catch the 'Thief'.
We then pretended to be either trees or squirrels, and was caught in chaos during the 'fire' and 'earthquake'.

What were important values to us? We selected pictures that seem to be meaningful to us, and talked about the values in represented as important to us.

The second part of the activity was more hands-on : the mentees created their own flower which held different values in each petal. They had a great time creating it, and then proudly showed them off.

Break time! Eric entertained some mentees with a few tunes.
Finally, mentees identified people with good values whom they can look up to as positive role models.
We ended with the song 'Angel in Disguise'.

:) Usha and Dr. Brendan

Field Day 4 - Second visit to SPCA

Yay! Another trip to SPCA (Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals), another chance to help animals. Here, Priscilla Hendriks, the awesome Education Officer at SPCA, gave us some insight as to the reality of pet ownership in Kuala Lumpur. She stressed the importance of pet responsibility and how our helping in turn, helps the animals at the shelter.Then the mentors and mentees had a blast doing a meaningful activity, where they identified how special their friends were and what qualities in them they liked.

Of course, we also visited the animals, who (hopefully!) recognized us from our previous visit.

"The cleaning needs to be done - whether or not it smells!" :)
"There you go! You have a clean bed now!"

So Day 5 was on what are helpful and non-helpful ways of communicating with others, and ways we can reach out to help others and ways we can reach out for help when in need.

At the end of the day, everyone realized how special the animals were - they showed us unity, they showed us strength in the face of adversity - they showed us that we too, need to be united, for no man is an island.

Usha and Dr. Brendan

Monday, April 21, 2008

Field Day 3

When we are sooo stressed, what can we do? Day 3 activities helped discuss stress and how to manage it. The day started off with a rousing game to de-stress everyone.

Of course, first we needed to identify our sources of stress and what we were stressed about.

We also listed down expectations from our parents, teachers, friends and others.

Many were surprised to see that others also had similar stresses.
By discussing in our groups, we discovered different positive ways we can better deal with our stress.

Usha and Dr. Brendan

Field Day 2 – Doggies and Kitties

The day was buzzing with excitement as we began our WildTeens component of Mentoring Malaysia.

We spent the day at SPCA (Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals) where we met lots of adorable and friendly animals...

The Muslim girls worked with the cats & the non-Muslim girls worked with the dogs. The mentors and mentees worked together to help clear the litter in the kitten and dog kennels.

Day 2's focus was on building healthy peer relationships and contributing to society. The question asked was ' How can I form meaningful relationships?'

As we helped clean their kennels and the animals received some much-needed attention.
The girls volunteered to help bathe some of the dogs, who happily wagged their tails at their company, but not so much at the water!

While animals are being helped through MM, it is also true that animals can be helpful to teens who have emotional problems.

In Day 2, we learnt what it means to be part of a group, and how to include others rather than exclude anyone.

We also helped prepare food for the animals and feed them. "Lunch time, guys!"

We played a game of Musical Footprints, much like Musical Chairs. In honor of the SPCA, we had pawprints to step on! :) We learnt that if friends were being left out of our circle, we should strive to bring them back in.

In Day 2, mentees were introduced to the importance of journaling their wonderful experiences in MM. All in all, it was an exciting and memorable day - we helped out at the SPCA where we met love-starved animals who seemed so happy just to see us. It was a humbling experience to be needed that much, and we hope the animals know that they taught us something too - it's a good feeling to give love.
The meaning of true friendship - in giving.

XJ, Usha and Dr. Brendan