Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Field Day 5

We all have positive values, and Day 5 helped us discover the wonderful values we have in us. Helping out was trainer and facilitator, Eric Bryan.

Starting off the day with an exciting ice-breaker, the mentees had a great time tyring to help the 'Police' catch the 'Thief'.
We then pretended to be either trees or squirrels, and was caught in chaos during the 'fire' and 'earthquake'.

What were important values to us? We selected pictures that seem to be meaningful to us, and talked about the values in represented as important to us.

The second part of the activity was more hands-on : the mentees created their own flower which held different values in each petal. They had a great time creating it, and then proudly showed them off.

Break time! Eric entertained some mentees with a few tunes.
Finally, mentees identified people with good values whom they can look up to as positive role models.
We ended with the song 'Angel in Disguise'.

:) Usha and Dr. Brendan

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